What the? Time is Flying!
by Irmgarde Brown, in Beginnings
I just had a small shock as I logged into my web site and blog. I have been out on the street furiously promoting Sister Jane, only to find I've neglected by online folks. Please forgive me.
Here's what's new:
Last night, I shared the podium with a writer friend at a Bulle Rock Lifestyle event (an upscale community in our area). This group was more interested in our writing process and so it was great fun to chat about our differnt styles of writing (my friend a died in the wool pantser [she writes by the seat of her pants], and me an outliner (ex-pantser). The questions were many and once again, I was surprised by the number of people who still want to write a book, despite the long-term commitment to the writing and the long-shot chances for snaring a traditional publisher. I have been very lucky indeed.
And the week before, the Concord Point Book Club hosted me for a rousing discussion. Since these gals were all from town, they were really intrigued with the places and people, wondering where I got my inspiration. I truly never base a character on a single person - that's truly a bit dangerous among friends, but places, I enjoy using them with little to no discuise. I find these known locations to be richer as a result. My one biggest surprise was that someone in the group actually found a fairly blatant (and inexcusable) editing error. I've been telling folks ever since, if they find the right one, I'll send 'em a dollar. LOL.
Here's what's new:
- Sister Jane received a starred review from Kirkus Reviews.
- Sister Jane is now available in four major library systems in Maryland (Harford, Baltimore, Carroll, and Cecil). More to come.
- I have made several personal appearances and I have half a dozen book club appearances in the next two months.
- My book is available in several locations in town and I've had people yelling from across a street, "Irm, I LOVE your book!" It's quite humbling.
- Last week, I recorded my first podcast interview which will air Sept 13th.

And the week before, the Concord Point Book Club hosted me for a rousing discussion. Since these gals were all from town, they were really intrigued with the places and people, wondering where I got my inspiration. I truly never base a character on a single person - that's truly a bit dangerous among friends, but places, I enjoy using them with little to no discuise. I find these known locations to be richer as a result. My one biggest surprise was that someone in the group actually found a fairly blatant (and inexcusable) editing error. I've been telling folks ever since, if they find the right one, I'll send 'em a dollar. LOL.